202 Moo8 Tambon Wieng Nuea, Amphoe Pai, Mae Hong Son, Thailand
d="M1.34389 8.98378C1.38747 11.0275 1.40926 12.0493 2.16335 12.8063C2.91743 13.5632 3.96693 13.5896 6.06593 13.6423C7.35957 13.6748 8.64051 13.6748 9.93418 13.6423C12.0332 13.5896 13.0826 13.5632 13.8368 12.8063C14.5908 12.0493 14.6126 11.0275 14.6562 8.98378C14.6702 8.32664 14.6702 7.67344 14.6562 7.01631C14.6126 4.97261 14.5908 3.95077 13.8368 3.19381C13.0826 2.43686 12.0332 2.41049 9.93418 2.35775C8.64051 2.32525 7.35957 2.32525 6.06592 2.35775C3.96693 2.41048 2.91743 2.43685 2.16334 3.19381C1.40925 3.95076 1.38747 4.97261 1.34388 7.01631C1.32987 7.67344 1.32987 8.32664 1.34389 8.98378Z" +66 852 64 13 31 (eng/fr) // +66 081 381 9141 (eng/thai)

Consulting – land restoration and project design

Whether you want to start a vegetable garden, design your house or house garden, plant a food forest or restore an ecosystem, or design a project, we can help.

Your dreams and ideas is where we start: what we propose is a maturation process to turn them into realistic projects to make them happen.

Every project is different in scope, ambition and complexity of implementation. This is why we offer a clear consulting process to make sure that we fully understand your unique context and needs and provide the best solution to make your project come true.

As with any project involving nature, a clear assessment of your land and stakeholders will inform the unique solutions we propose: this is where our unique expertise in ecosystem restoration and project design comes in! If your project involves other stakeholders, a key element to success will be how you address them and integrate them in your project design: to guarantee you’ll sound professional even with investors, we use an inspiring regenerative business model canva to integrate both the economic and the human/landscape regeneration aspects of your project. With this tool in hand, you can be sure to catch your audience attention when the time will come to present your project to potential investors and other stakeholders.

If you like our proposition, then we will establish together a road map to implement it!

Expertise & Skills: 

Damien, co-founder of Pai Seedlings Foudnation’s co-founder puts his 10+ years of experience at the service of those who also want to contribute to sholistic regeneration.

Assess before you buy, design before you build, plan before you grow.


  • Permaculture (10 years experience)
  • Sustainable Design (PunPun self reliance center, Ajarn Jon Jandai)
  • Ecosystem Restoration (Ecosystem Restoration Design School, John D. Liu)
  • Soil microbiology, biocomplete composts & amendments, biochar, EM (Soil Food Web School, Dr. Elaine Ingham)
  • Natural Construction (built my own bamboo and adobe house)


  • Project Design & Management (RMS Business School)
  • Regenerative Business Model Canvas (4 retunrs framework)
  • Holistic Business Models (Thamturakit Social Enterprise, Ajarn Yaak, Ajarn Naoh)
  • Budgeting, accounting, financial reports
  • Workspace design on Notion.so


  • Coaching (Self Craft Academy)
  • The Work That Reconnects (Joanna Macy)
  • Cross-cultural teams management (15 years experience)
  • Eco-centric Leadership
  • Very organized



The goal of this initial meeting is to create a clear understanding of the vision and assess the resources available: what do we have? What do we want?

  • What do we want to achieve? What purpose does it serve?
  • What is the scale of the work? Size of the land, duration, number of people involved.
  • What ressources are available? Human, material, time.
  • What are the desired outcomes?

Understanding needs, desired outcomes, crafting vision.

Pai Seedlings Farm – housing, agroforestry, grains & vegetable gardens



The goal of the site assessment is to collect the necessary on-site data to prepare the design (step 3).

  • Site measurement
  • Soil assessment: type of soil, slope, sun exposition, access to water, native grass, nutrient & biological analysis of the soil
  • Technical analysis: soil compaction…

Site assessment in Muang Noi village.

Site assessment



The solution design provides detailed professional maps of the solution proposed as well as a list of material needed, a budget and a step by step process to implement the solution.

Site maps

  • garden design
  • irrigation system design
  • Production plan

List of material & human needs

  • human resources
  • material
  • biological plan

Step-by-step Implementation Process

  • timeline
  • gantt charts

Business Plan & Budget 

  • regenerative business model canva to integrate both the economic and the landscape regeneration aspects of your project.

Exemples of previous designs

1/2 rai garden design for vegetable production, composting and chicken house.

Mandala vegetable garden at Pai Seedlings Farm: beautiful, productive, easy to manage.

3 rai regenerative agriculture design for karen farmers.



The solution design (Step 3) will provide a detailed road-map for your team. Depending on their training they might be able to implement it on their own, or with a 1 day training, or with a on-going support to be defined. This Step 4 will define, after consultation with you, how much support you wish to have in the implementation of the solution & the training of your team.

Exemples of previous designs

Agricultural land


Syntropic design

Rice paddies transformation

Vegetable garden design


Get in touch for a discovery call!


Do you want to support us?

Choose which project you want to support, choose the amount, and become part of the solution!

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